Our sole purpose is to raise money for charities.

OxMerch is a fully student-run fundraiser, donating 100% of our profits to charitable organisations. Find out more about the charities you support by buying from OxMerch.

To track our donations, follow us on instagram: @wearoxmerch.


Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

OHM is a partnership of the many
organisations helping those who are homeless in Oxfordshire. OHM works to ensure that nobody should have to sleep rough on our streets.

More about OHM

German Charity


EdYouShare partners up with educational organisations and helps
financing aid projects all over the world. EdYouShare is active in 10+
countries on 2 continents, and is headquartered in Germany.

More about EdYouShare


Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is the world's largest independent cancer research organisation. Cancer Research UK conducts research, provides information about cancer and runs campaigns aimed at raising awareness and influencing public policy.

More about Cancer Research UK